Of all the ridiculous bets Barry has been in, this one beats them all by far! As if eating 78 chicken nuggets in 30 minutes wasn't a good enough feat, he has to take this one even further.
The Stache-Off
Rules of the bet: Each man in the office must grow and maintain a mustache for one full month. (There are 16 guys and only 2 women in his office, clearly this is testosterone zone)
There will be three awards given at the end of the month.
- The Magnum P.I. Award (whoever looks the best with the stache)
- The Chester Award (whoever looks the creepiest with the stache)
- The Energizer Bunny Award (whoever can keep the stache the longest)
Barry who likes to be 'different' has decided to start out the contest with this style. The UFC wanna be or the technical term is called "The Lemmy."
Nice Barry.

Mean Barry.

Back shot.

Side view.

To make matters more "fun", we will be shaving his entire head, then trim his "Lemmy" to a simple mustache and dye it black!!! I think he will definitely win the Chester Award with that, don't you?
I'm not quite sure why I'm okay with this, except for the fact that I thoroughly enjoy laughing at Barry too. Luckily I will be laughing with him, and at him a little.
Feel free to give me your thoughts and any advice you may have for Barry...he will see it himself as he is a regular reader of the blog.
Some of my readers may know some of the other competitors which include: Mr. Mike Keyser, Mr. Todd Kimball, Mr. Jason Beckstead, and Mr. Jason Buchanan (sadly some of these men have admitted that they will not last the full month). Maybe we can get the wives to get pictures of their hubbies in 'stache mode.
Life is too short to not make a few laughs.